
Measurement and Management of the Sportscape

The physical environment of the stadium may have a significant effect on the extent to which spectators will desire to stay and return to the stadium. Specific aspects of the stadium experience may lead directly to spectators’ pleasure with the place, while other factors may…
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Interview with James A. DeMeo, M.S. – Sports Security Expert

LinkedIn Interview with James DeMeo

LinkedIn is such a powerful networking engine. I can safely say that 99.99% of my business comes from LinkedIn. I’ve reaped a multitude of high quality connections from the effort I’ve invested in it. One recent connection I made was with James DeMeo, Sports Security…
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Emerging Trends In Sports Security: 2015

What are the current challenges facing today’s Sports Security Industry? Are you interested in learning more about this most important niche market within the Industry? Where do you see the Event Management-Sports Security Industry heading in the near future? How important is technology, training, certifications,…
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Why Sports Franchises Must Invest in Security

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The sports and entertainment industry today is a multi-billion dollar enterprise. Secured television contracts, sponsorship agreements and venue naming rights make marketing executives glow with excitement as they look to expand the visibility of their respective brands and reap the benefits of increased profit margins that come…
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