
Increase Your Chances of Surviving a Crisis Event

What's Your Plan

Original post by Stylehawk Event Services Event venues take great care in implementing safety and security protocol.  Guest safety is paramount. Event guests arrive at venues with a heightened level of alertness and take comfort in the implementation of effective security measures.  This is critical as…
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School Safety 2018 & Beyond

The world we find ourselves living today is filled with conflict and turmoil. The shooting massacres coming out of both Parkland-Florida and Santa Fe High school-Texas are tragic in every sense of the word. The fear, anxiety and apprehension our school aged children and parents…
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Event Security 2018 & Beyond: Where Is The Industry Heading?

Where Is the Industry Heading

The fascinating world of Event Security continues to present numerous challenges for security leaders protecting the vertical. The integration of technology platforms along with the overall fan experience is what fuels today’s multi-billion dollar juggernaut known as sports and entertainment. Furthermore, AI, biometrics, facial recognition,…
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Family Safety & Preparedness 2.0

Family Safety & Preparedness

The world we find ourselves living in today is quite complicated. We face many challenges both here and abroad. My new book on family safety and preparedness was published this past November 2017. The experience of writing a new book has been a great deal…
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ICMC Webinar – March 28th, 2018

ICMC Webinar – March 28th, 2018 at 1:00 PM ET Event Security 2.0: A force multiplier for ensuring fan safety, business continuity & resiliency Presenter: James DeMeo Host: Robert Burton Managing the constant ebb and flow for today’s special events requires a proactive risk mitigation…
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How to Effectively Utilize Mass Notification

Best practices, Challenges and a Look at How Two Organizations are Handling Mass Notification originally posted March 6th, 2018 Between the mudslides in California and Hawaii’s and Japan’s false missile warnings, mass notification has been at the forefront of recent news. In California, Santa Barbara…
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